Seis meses após o tombo da Americanas

Six months after the Americanas’ collapse, with the revelation of a multibillion-dollar accounting gap — later confirmed as a fraud scheme —, how are local investors doing and what have we learned from this crisis?

According to analysts, except for those heavily exposed to the company’s actions, which fell more than 90%, for the small investors in general, these six months have been sufficient to regain confidence in the general market and in the balance sheets of other Brazilian companies. “In a way, the scandal has been digested and other companies have had their balance sheets reviewed, proving that there are no longer the same risks. But certainly the market as a whole will still promote improvements in accounting processes,” said Guilherme Paulo, a variable income operator at Manchester Investimentos.

He remembers that with the revelation of information about the scheme, the market noticed that the system of the Central Bank, which was previously considered rigid, was not as rigid as it seemed.

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